Translated by Eliana Scasserra

The economic proposals submitted by the 29 companies competing in the 2021/01 Supply Auction have just been open (see below) for regulated customers of the electric system.

Enel submitted 550 economic proposals. However, none of them was the lowest one offered. The lowest economic proposal was submitted by Canadian Solar Libertador Solar Holding SpA, which was 13.32 dollars per MWh for Blocks 1-A, 1- B, and 1-C.

It is worth mentioning that, in this auction, 2,310 GWh/year will be purchased spread out in different energy blocks pursuant to 15-year term agreements as of 2026.

In addition, it should be considered that the Energy National Committee (CNE, as per its acronym in Spanish) has informed that the replacement price or maximum price of the bids that may be awarded in the Electric Supply Auction correspond to the following:

0 USD/MWh for the Time Block No 1-A (for supply between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am);
0 USD/MWh for the Time Block No.1-B (for supply between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm);
0 USD/MWh for the Time Block No. 1-C (for supply between 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm).

The award of the bids will be held next September 2nd.

Below, there is a detailed list of the bids submitted by the competing companies:

1) Acciona Energía Chile Holdings S.A.

Two bids were submitted for Block 1-A. The offered prices were 40.039 dollars per MWh and 41.253 dollars per MWh.

Two more bids were submitted for Block 1-B. The offered prices were 22.794 dollars per MWh and 23.485 dollars per MWh.

In addition, the company submitted two bids for Block 1-C. The offered prices were 43.521 dollars per MWh and 44.851 dollars per MWh.

2) Eólica Monte Redondo SpA

Three bids were submitted by this Engie’s subsidiary: one for Block 1-A, one for Block 1-B, and one for Block 1-C. The offered price was 33.5 dollars per MWh.

3) Inversiones Hornitos SpA

It submitted bids for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C. The offered prices for each block were 34.5 dollars per MWh and 35 dollars per MWh.

4) Solar Los Loros SpA

The company’s bid for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C was 33.5 dollars per MWh.

5) Enel Generación Chile S.A.

The company submitted 220 bids for Block 1-A. The lower offered price was 31.844 dollars per MWh and the highest offered price was 56.019 dollars per MWh.

In addition, 110 bids were submitted for Block 1-B. The lowest offered price ranged from 31.844 to 42.18 dollars per MWh.

Other 220 bids were submitted for Block 1-C. The offered price ranged from 31.844 to 56.019 dollars per MWh.

6) Sonnedix PPA Holding SpA

Three bids were submitted for Block 1-A. The lowest offered price was 26.8 dollars per MWh and the highest offered price was 32.4 dollars per MWh.

In addition, three bids were submitted for Blocks 1-B, and 1-C with the same offered prices as the ones submitted for Block 1-A.

7) Chagual Energía Spa

The company submitted bids for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C. The offered price was 38.8 dollars per MWh.

8) FRV Development Chile I SpA

The company’s bid for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C was 30.69 dollars per MWh each.

9) Racó Energía SpA

The company’s bid for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C was 28.87 dollars per MWh each.

10) Colbún S.A.

Three bids were submitted for Block 1-A. The lowest offered price was 42.3 dollars per MWh and the highest offered price was 43.3 dollars per MWh.

In addition, the company submitted three bids for Blocks 1-B and 1-C. The offered prices were the same as those submitted for Block 1-A. The lowest offered price was 42.3 dollars per MWh and the highest offered price was 43.3 dollars per MWh.

11) Hidroeléctrica Rio Lircay S.A.

The company’s bid was 75 dollars per MWh for Block A-1, 39.7 dollars per MWh for Block 1-B, and 41 and 75 dollars per MWh for Block 1-C.

12) OPDE Chile SPA

Two bids were submitted for Block 1-A. One of them was 20.98 dollars per MWh and the other one was 21.554 MWh.

The same bids were submitted for Blocks 1-B and 1-C, which offered prices were 20.98 dollars per MWh and 21.554 dollars per MWh.

13) Copiapó Energía Solar SpA

Seven bids were submitted for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C. The lowest offered price was 33.716 dollars per MWh and highest offered price was 39.716 dollars per MWh.

14) Duqueco SpA

Ten bids were submitted for Block 1-A. The lowest offered price was 48.8 dollars per MW and the highest offered price was 69.3 dollars per MWh.

Likewise, the company submitted three bids for Block 1-B. The lowest offered price was 48.8 dollars per MWh and the highest offered price was 52 dollars per MWh.

In addition, ten other bids were submitted for Block 1-C. The lowest offered price was 48.8 dollars per MWh and the highest offered price was 71.7 dollars per MWh.

15) PV Salvador S.A.

The company’s bid for Block 1-C was 64.9 dollars per MWh.

16) Energía Coyanco S.A.

The company submitted two bids for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C. The offered prices were 48.8 dollars per MWh and 52 dollars per MWh.

17) Inversiones la Frontera Sur SpA

The company’s bid for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C was 58 dollars per MWh.

18) Chungungo Sociedad Anónima

The bid for Block 1-A was 35.5 dollars per MWh.

19) Atlas Energia SpA

Two bids were submitted for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C. The offered prices were 30.7 dollars per MWh and 28.78 dollars per MWh.

20) Likana Solar SpA

Two bids were submitted for Block 1-A. The offered prices were 33.99 dollars per MWh and 35.99 dollars per MWh.

In addition, two similar bids were submitted for Blocks 1-B and 1-C. The offered prices were 33.99 dollars per MWh and 35.99 dollars per MWh.

21) Parque Eólico Vientos del Pacífico SpA

A total of three bids were submitted for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C. The offered price was 32.789 dollars per MWh.

22) Canadian Solar Libertador Solar Holding SpA

Two bids were submitted for Block 1-A. The offered prices were 13.32 dollars per MWh and 14.21 dollars per MWh. Additionally, five bids were submitted for Block 1-C. The offered prices ranged from 13.32 to 27 dollars per MWh.

For Block 1-C, two bids were submitted, which offered prices were 13.32 and 14.21 dollars per MWh.

23) Renovalia Chile Dos SpA

The company’s bid for Block 1-A was 51.52 dollars per MWh.

24) Pacific Hydro Chile S.A.

Six bids were submitted by the company: two for Block 1-A, two for Block 1-B and two for Block 1-C. The company submitted three bids corresponding to each block. The offered prices were 30 dollars per MWh and 33 dollars per MWh, respectively.

25) Parque Eólico San Andrés SpA

Three bids were submitted for Blocks 1-A, 1-B and 1-C, which offered price was 25.2 dollars per MWh.

26) Conejo Solar SpA

The company’s bid was 39 dollars per MWh.

27) Librillo Solar SpA

The company’s bid was 51 dollars per MWh.

28) Parque Eólico Carica SpA

It submitted bids for Blocks 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C, which offered price was 83 dollars per MWh each.

29) GR Power Chile SpA

The company submitted three bids: two for Blocks 1-A and 1-C, which offered price was 42 dollars per MWh; and one for Block 1-B, which offered price was 27.49 dollars per MWh.

Translated by Eliana Scasserra